As I make my first foray into blogging, these are the questions that nag me:
1. How do I decide what to blog about?
2. What do I do if no one, and I do mean no one, is interested in my blog?
3. What do I do if I am not interested in my blog?
4. Are blogs supposed to be personal, or are they meant to entertain?
5. Was anyone else crazy enough to browse through all of the possible background images before deciding the first one they clicked on "works just fine"?
6. Which is more important--what I say, or how pretty my blog looks?
7.Will I ever get the hang of the design features?
8. I hope getting blog followers is easier than getting friends in high school. I really hated high school.
9. Is it lame/pretentious/uninspired to blog about blogging?
10. Seriously, though. What if NO ONE likes my blog?