Saturday, February 16, 2013

What is a sidewalk salary?

"See a penny, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck." -Jan from Grease

In case you are wondering, "sidewalk salary" is a completely imaginary term that I coined (pun fully intended) to describe all of the change I pick up off of the ground on a regular basis. Every time I find a new coin, I feel compelled to share the news with someone, and now I can.

Finding change on the ground may seem like an odd thing to blog about, but I swear I have some sort of forgotten-change beacon drawing these coins to me. In the space of two weeks back in 2009, I swore I found about twenty dimes, all of which I felt compelled to pick up, despite the fact that I was about nine months pregnant and could no longer see my feet. After about the tenth one, I became convinced someone was "punking" me--hiding behind the bushes and having a grand old time watching me trying to maneuver around my tummy for the sake of ten cents. I teach freshman English all day long, so you can understand why my brain thought such sophomoric humor was a likely cause of my new-found wealth (and why I feel the need to put words like "punking" in quotes). Seeing that dimes are my favorite coin (I like that they're small and thin, yet worth ten times more than pennies), it is a story that I have never forgotten, and I love to tell.

If you are like me and cannot resist the chance to make a free buck--okay, a free cent or two--then I hope you enjoy watching me rake in nickels, dimes, and pennies via my silly, little gadget.


  1. What a cute idea, makes me want to look out better for change. a little harder in the snow.

  2. I bet you could make a killing with a metal detector, a bucket, a shovel, and a snow-packed parking lot right after Christmas. Who is going to bother to pick up anything they drop when they're freezing?


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